SAP Training Blog by Michael Management

6 Tips and Tricks for Developing a Positive Mindset

Written by Lorraine Grula | Sep 2, 2020

Which one describes you best:

 You’re annoyed for the zillionth time today.  If people don’t stop acting like idiots, you’re going to blow your stack!  The weather’s crummy, the office is noisy, and your feet hurt. Stupid high heels!  Who invented these dumb things anyway?  Kill him. 

 You are the luckiest person in the whole world. Everything's coming up roses. Well, ok, maybe some of those roses have a few sharp thorns, but you’ve got your gardening gloves on, so it’s ok! 


6 Tips for a Positive Mindset

Hopefully, you are much more the second type, but smart enough to know you can’t truly be THE luckiest person on earth!  Not every day anyway.  It’s statistically impossible.  But you can develop a positive mindset that helps you feel like the luckiest person on earth! 

 How do you do that?  Follow these tips and watch any dark clouds of negativity around you fade into a bright sunny feeling. 


  1. Recognize and appreciate the color of your lens
  2. As you become aware of your lens, consider the lens color of others and work with that. 
  3. Develop an attitude of gratitude
  4. Realize circumstances can always be worse
  5. Concentrate on the positive
  6. Actively work to improve the situation if necessary 


Ok, What’s This About Having A Colored Lens?  

 Everybody looks at the world through their own eyes.  Their experiences, values, hopes and dreams, perspectives and interpretations of how life works, all of these blend together into a composite that makes up a person’s outlook on life. 

 This has sometimes been referred to as a colored lens and everybody’s is unique. We all have our own color and it will change and shift over time. 

“Stop looking at the world through rose-colored glasses,” might be said to the person who is naive and overly optimistic. 

 While rose-colored might not be the best choice, dark black isn’t the best choice either.  You wouldn't be able to see anything! 

 A positive outlook on life can make life much more enjoyable but obviously has to be tempered with a mature basis in reality for the best results. 

 Problem is that people’s lenses often get off-colored by incorrect assumptions about themselves and what’s going on. 

 Negative attitudes, fear, anger, insecurities, traumatic experiences can all intensify or distort the color of someone’s lens. 


The Nose Woes

Here’s an example (rather silly) to explain this better.  Consider a woman who’s convinced everybody hates her and laughs behind her back because she has a huge, lumpy nose that she thinks resembles an Idaho potato.   

She can’t get a date because her nose is so big and ugly, or so she thinks. 

She can’t even get a job except as a stand-in for a circus clown, she looks so goofy! 

She’s cursed to failure because of her nose!  Such a pitiful lot in life.    

OK, nobody's nose is that ugly and noses aren’t that important anyway.  

Miss Nose-Obsessed would probably also be shocked to learn that most people don’t give her nose two thoughts, but the taunts of bullies in grade school left their mark.

Her lens is distorted. I’d say her color is probably a puke-inducing greenish-brownish.  Yuck. 


Time to Clean and Adjust Your Lens  

Self-help programs, psychological thought, and even spiritual programs often suggest people will benefit by learning to recognize how a discolored lens can throw them off and lead to significant problems. 

Flaws with your thought-process like Miss Nose-Obsessed can lead to inaccurate thinking and disastrous decision making.  Patterns like this are so common and unfortunately, highly ingrained. 

It takes a conscious effort to break the habit, but it can be done. Fix the discoloration and see things more positively. 


Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

 A great trick is to develop an attitude of gratitude.  Instead, too many of us worry about what we don’t have or haven’t yet accomplished.  That’s dwelling on the negative. 

Recognizing problems and actively working to improve the situation is a positive approach, while just dwelling on the negative is likely to get you even more down in the dumps.

Making a list of things you are grateful for and reading them to yourself every day is a recommended habit to develop. 

There’s always something to be grateful for and reminding yourself of that frequently is an uplifting habit. 

Besides, even if things aren’t so great right now, it could always be worse.  

If you have a cold, be grateful you don’t have the flu.  Or pneumonia, or cancer, or leprosy. 


Make It Better!

Sometimes, we have the power to change things for the better. When life runs smoothly, it’s much easier to keep a positive mindset.

Would your life improve if you got a better job?  Sometimes we have to make our own luck. Have you considered training programs to make you more competitive in the job market? What about learning SAP? SAP careers are well-payed and in constant demand. 

Hope for a better future is always uplifting.  Maybe you could plan to increase your value in the job market, make a bit more money, pay down some debts and take a fun vacation! 

That sounds positive!

For high-quality professional development and SAP training courses, we have online programs at affordable prices. 

 SAP certification can give you enormous success and leverage on the job market.