About 30% of Americans see their jobs as “just a job,” something they do to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, with about 18% considering their job as a “stepping stone” to a career.
If you’re not thrilled with your current job situation, quitting outright probably isn’t a good idea, especially if you’re taking care of a family. More and more people are finding themselves supporting a family on their own without a plan, but don’t have a way to change that. “Do what you love” may not apply here. Just because you love to play video games doesn’t mean you can get a well-paying job playing them. Or you’re thinking, “if I didn’t have a family, I could do XXX for a living, that would be great!” So it’s time for some serious evaluation.
Your first step is to discover what kind of career is right for you. If you have a family, you’ll need to consider them as well, and what’s really important to you.
Finding your perfect career is more than just, “I want to be a lawyer,” or “I want to be a farmer who raises avocados and pigs.” Both vocations serve a purpose, but if being a lawyer just isn’t you, you’ll be looking for the exit door just before 5:00 pm every day and looking at farmland on your smartphone during lunch.
The first place to start is to find out:
Once you answer these questions, you can work with the more logical part of your decision making.
While the heart is responsible for things like intuition, the mind is the rational, logical side of you.
Once you’ve answered the first set of questions, you’ll answer practical questions like:
Analyzing these wants against your needs will give you a clearer picture of what kind of career path you’ll be happier with.
The mind and heart can work together to help you further both your personal and career development and provide a balance between the two. Motivation is heart-driven, the rational mind “steers” it. If we were all just “logical,” we wouldn’t be terribly interesting. If we were all “heart-driven” we wouldn’t get much done.
But what does that actually mean on a practical level?
Think about where you are now, and where you want to go. Does it look better than where you are now? Does it feel like you’re taking a step in the right direction, or better, a step up from where you are?
It’s one thing to go head-on into a new career without finding out what it’s really like. It’s another to not only research a new career, but find out for yourself whether it will be a career that you can live with, do well with, and go home at the end of the day ready to go to work tomorrow. Without researching and using the heart/mind combination to find a new career path and skill that will work for you, it may be you in that 30% who hates it when the alarm clock goes off every morning.
If you’ve considered a new career in SAP, or an advancement in your current SAP career, it’s time to take the next step towards making that goal happen. Where do you start? With the right online training, of course. A career in SAP can open doors into some of the world’s biggest companies, across town or across the world, with a career in IT that will take you anywhere you want to go.
Ready to take the next step? SAP is one of the best in-demand IT skills you can learn to better yourself and get on a new career path with a large company, and we’re ready to help. Michael Management can help you advance to a better career and a better life with training to start finding your new career path right away.
We’ve helped over 30,000 online learners gain SAP skills in one of the most important skills in today’s workplace. If you’re ready for a new career direction, register for a free SAP training preview and learn how to become SAP-proficient with one of our courses or learning paths.