SAP Training Blog by Michael Management

The Rise of Microlearning

Written by Claire Albaum | Dec 2, 2019

Microlearning has received a lot of buzz and praise in the last few years as being the future of online training. Microlearning is a form of eLearning that offers bite-sized training in a concise, focused, and efficient manner. It’s no wonder that companies are realizing that microlearning is the most effective way to train employees (especially Millennial employees).

Employees no longer tolerate long, boring classroom training. Why waste money and hours of work on outdated training, when you can achieve the same goal in a fraction of the time and cost? Is microlearning just a fad or is it here to stay?

As more and more companies gravitate towards microlearning as their go-to eLearning solution, we believe that microlearning is here to stay. If you’re not on the microlearning train, you’ll quickly fall behind.

Here are 5 reasons why you need to implement microlearning.


1. Staying Up to Date with Consumption Habits

We (meaning the general public) gravitate towards ‘Buzzfeed style’ news with easy to read and concise bullet-points. We can order food from any restaurant in town and have it delivered with a touch of a button. We video chat with our family members across the globe. We swipe right on an app to find a potential partner.

Yet, far too often, we are brought back to the ’90s when we attend training. We see a PowerPoint presentation being pulled up on the projector, and we know we’re in for hours and hours of painfully dull training.

You want to be the kind of company that is paving the way for efficiency, not being weighed down by outdated thinking on how things are ‘supposed’ to be done. Shake things up a bit. Get on the same playing field as all other day-to-day consumption habits. Let your employees digest their training the same way they might read a news article or start chatting with a potential love interest.


2. Flexibility

eLearning offers users the luxury of being able to complete the courses whenever they see fit, be that on the train to work, on the comfort of their couch, etc.

Digitalization is changing the landscape of where and how we work, so naturally, training should follow in that same trend.

Set a deadline for your employees and then allow them to complete their training when it works for them!


3. Cost-Effectiveness

It’s no surprise that in-person training is expensive. If you’re bringing in an outside trainer the costs can include transportation, accommodation, instructional costs, venue costs- you name it!

That’s not even counting the hours and hours where employees will be sitting in unnecessarily long training instead of spending their time on important and worthwhile job-related tasks.

To put it into perspective, our SAP training is ALL online, reduce onboarding and training time by 40% and training expenses by 30%. The overhead costs of microlearning are unquestionably lower than any traditional learning methods.


4. Higher Learning Retention

According to a recent study, microlearning makes the transfer of learning 17% more effective. It’s simple: small bursts of information are more easily held in our memory, especially when put to use shortly after learning.

This ties in perfectly with microlearning, as these trainings are delivered through bursts of bite-sized information, often followed by interactive reinforcements (such as a quiz or assignment).

As an employer, ask yourself this question: would you rather take a short, interactive training, or long and passive training? If you wouldn’t want to sit through training yourself, don’t make your employees sit through it either.


5. Achievement (Gamification Effect)

Human nature is quite simple, when we do something well, we like being rewarded.

Our goal is to end corporate drudgery and make training fun again, so we put a lot of emphasis on rewards and gamification. For example, students get ongoing recognition for completing lessons, email reminders, badges, etc.

Microlearning grants users an immediate sense of accomplishment and gratification, and therefore, delivers a higher form of achievement. It’s hard to feel like you’ve accomplished something when all you’ve done is sit and watch a PowerPoint presentation in the break room.

Join us in ending corporate drudgery!


What’s Stopping You?

Microlearning is so successful for a reason; namely, it is perfectly in line with the high-speed and convenient nature of life in the digital age. But just as we should acknowledge the advantages or microlearning, we should also address the biggest downside: lack of human connection.

So, how about this- instead of spending tons of money for in-person training (where you’re not even talking to one another anyway), allocate that funding to a team-building activity or a surprise lunch. Microlearning is here to streamline your business and open up time and funding for time better spent elsewhere.

Are you looking for SAP microlearning? Michael Management has helped more than 300,000 learn and implement SAP.

If your company needs more SAP savvy employees, we can help! Contact us today to find out how you and your employees can learn SAP quickly.