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Programming skillsAs a professional software engineer or software developer, you possess the developer skills that make the digital world go round. Staying up to date on the newest programs, and keeping your skills sharp, will put you on the map as a go-to professional. 

Not sure if you have all of the latest skills? Check out these four essential skills for every developer and the comprehensive training courses that cover them. 


Introduction to Python Programming 

Every programming language uses the same basic concepts, and they are all taught in this course. Understanding them in the Python programming language will allow you to apply them to other programming languages easily. 

This Python training course will create an excellent foundation for your growing skills as a programmer. Even if you are a beginner, you will finish this course with the ability to create basic applications in Python. 

Not only will you have a firm grasp of Python skills, but also an understanding of the general programming concepts used in all other applications. These concepts include:


·       Inputs and Variables

·       Decision Structure

·       Loops

·       Functions

·       File I/O

·       Sets

·       Dictionaries


Another bonus to learning Python developer skills is that it is a highly sought after skill to add to your resume. According to the leading job site Indeed, the average U.S salary for a Python developer is a whopping 120K a year. 

Instructor Scott Cosentino, an expert in this field, says, "Once you understand loops, decision structure, and functions, you can make almost any program you can think of." 

This training class is a worthwhile investment if you haven't yet mastered programming in Python. 


Python Code Camp Fundamentals 

Many of the top software companies use Python. If you can't effectively code in Python, you are missing a vital and very marketable skill. 

This course is the perfect starting point for anyone new to programming. You may start as an apprehensive beginner, but you will leave with the confidence and skills to write code on Python Anywhere. During this comprehensive course, you will learn how to: 


·       Use object-oriented Python.

·       Understand Python data structures.

·       Learn fundamental Python syntax.

·       Learn to create code in the command line.


After the completion of this 2-hour course, you will earn your Certificate of Completion. 

More importantly, you will add this all-important skill to your resume and create code with confidence for your clients. 


HTML5 Authoring Web Development Fundamentals

Do you know how HTML 5 is different from HTML? 

Even if you know nothing about code, this course will give you the basics you need to begin coding with HTML5. With this new skill, you will understand the structure of the websites and apps you use daily. 

After completing this hands-on HTML5 training course and earning your certificate, you will be able to work on websites using the newest HTML5 strategies. This course includes:


·       The syntax and structure of HTML5 code.

·       How to develop web pages with HTML5.

·       An understanding of styling with HTML5 and CSS.

·       How to utilize semantic markup with HTML5.

·       How to display audio, video, and images with HTML5 code.


You could be writing code and building websites in just a few short hours with this comprehensive course. 


Mastering CSS Web Development Fundamentals

After designing your web pages using HTML5, you will style them with CSS. HTML and CSS (or more specifically, HTML5 and CSS3) skills go hand in hand for modern day web design.

When you learn CSS you can apply both, you can confidently create a complete and beautiful web page. In this course you will learn how to:


·       Understand CSS Context.

·       Apply CSS web enhancements.

·       Style all elements on a web page confidently.

·       Use CSS to create functional and beautiful web page layouts.

·       Apply responsive design techniques, so content looks right from desktop to mobile. 


Knowing how to style a web page is an in-demand skill in today's digital world. With an understanding of CSS basics, you can create beautiful designs that look good on any screen. Taking this CSS training and adding this certification to your resume will surely increase your marketability and value. 


Whether you are new to coding or looking to make yourself more marketable, these four courses will teach you everything you need to stay at the top of your game. Having a concrete understanding of HTML5, CSS and Python will allow you to build and grow within your industry. 

You will have the skills companies are looking for in a developer and the confidence to go after your next project. 

To begin a course, follow one of the links above or subscribe to all courses for one price. 



Job Tips
Post by Michael Management
Dec 9, 2020