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Two People Working Becoming an SAP expert is not for the faint of heart – it can take years of professional development, late-night projects, personal growth, and continuous learning. If you are not at expert level yet, don’t fret, keep practicing your SAP skills, we’ll be here rooting for you! We promise it’s worth it to be an SAP professional.

And if you are at expert level, first off, go look in the mirror and tell yourself that YOU ROCK. After that, I strongly recommend continuing to read to learn more about why you should create online SAP courses with all of your hard-earned knowledge.

While there are hundreds of reasons to create SAP content, I have cherry-picked my top 5 reasons to create online SAP courses and contribute to the MMC community.


1. Advance Your Professional Career

Our SAP instructors create courses for a multitude of reasons – helping students, reaching a global audience, and making a passive income are a few of the most common motivating factors. However, one of the biggest yet less discussed reasons to create SAP courses is to advance your own professional career.

Imagine interviewing for an SAP Materials Management project and you are able to confidently say, ‘I am an expert within the MM Module, and to prove it, here’s a course I created with thousands of students and hundreds of reviews.’ I may be a bit biased, but if I were hiring for a role, that would be wildly impressive.

I always tell instructors to milk being an SAP instructor as much as they can. You are literally proving to the world that you are an expert in your field, and you are in fact so good, that students pay to learn from YOU. Use this as a platform to showcase the skills you’ve been honing for years.


2. Join a Global Network of SAP Experts

As of this moment, we have 150 Michael Management instructors, all of whom we would consider being experts in their chosen field/module. With instructors from all over the world, our group of instructors is truly global and diverse, offering unique perspectives on SAP trends and topics.

We have a private LinkedIn group for our SAP instructors to offer feedback, suggestions, and offer words of encouragement. It is a fantastic way to be engaged and active with a highly successful group of SAP professionals.

We plan quarterly (virtual) events and host bi-monthly instructor Q&As to keep our instructors in the loop. We have essentially gathered the best of the best in one convenient place, making it easy to stay connected with like-minded professionals.

3. Keep Your SAP Knowledge Up to Date

I have heard from several of our instructors that they appreciate the fact that in order to be at the top of their game and create quality content, they have to keep their SAP knowledge sharp and up to date.

I am not sure if I can think of a better way to sharpen your skills. As they say, you may not understand a topic until you can teach it. Producing content can only better your repertoire and expand your professional skillset.


4. Receive Feedback and Recognition from a Global Audience

With over 30,000 SAP students, instructors are able to share their knowledge with students from all over the world. Students are able to review courses and instructors have the ability to actually respond to those reviews. From a ‘bettering one’s self’ perspective, it is extremely easy to receive both feedback and recognition.

While I can’t guarantee those reviews will all be 5-star reviews, I can guarantee that it will be helpful no matter what and will only make you a better instructor and SAP professional.


5. Sharing is Caring  

There is no denying that we have instructors who are motivated by the passive income from creating courses. That is absolutely a big benefit of publishing a Michael Management SAP course. However, if you’re ONLY doing it for the money, it’s probably not the right fit.

We are looking for instructors who want to do this to help students, contribute to the SAP community, and of course, make some money while doing it. But our best instructors create content because they love helping others, and students can absolutely sense that. It’s much easier to build an audience if your sincerity comes through in your teaching.

Think about someone who helped you when you got started. Wouldn’t it be rewarding to be that person for someone just starting out?

Just a bit of altruism to hopefully get you thinking about your role in the SAP community.


Have I Convinced You Yet?

As I mentioned earlier, I may be a bit biased since I work directly with our SAP instructors. But after years of working with hundreds of instructors, I can confidently say that it’s a great community, well-worth contributing to if you have the time and the passion.

If you’re interested in joining our SAP community, apply to become an instructor and we’ll jump on a call! 


Post by Claire Albaum
Jun 28, 2021